


事情发生的经过: 肯定是新闻周. 为一个, the General Assembly was fuller-steam, 会议活动和提交的法案明显增加——本周有150个——并播出了州长奥巴马的电视节目. 罗伊·库珀的 priorities in his biennial 国情咨文 delivered before the House and 森ate. 其他新闻, new elections were announced to fill vacancies in Congressional Districts 3 (following 代表. 沃尔特·琼斯的去世)和9(按 结论 of a nationally watched election fraud case). Also of note: a Wake County Superior Court Judge 扔了两个 of the state's constitutional amendments -- voter ID and a state income-tax rate cap. 上诉很可能. 

单词释义: 注重立法, 长时间的会议真的开始展开了,我们将在这篇公报中重点介绍我们为城镇所遵循的一些最新建议. 我们还将关注政府. Cooper's speech -- notably his focus on 宽带. 
利用: 法案的最后期限. 的 important one to know right now: March 6, 众议院议员向大会起草部门提交地方法案的截止日期. (的 森ate deadline was this past week.) If you have requests for local bills, get them to your House member now. 
瘦子: 大会的介绍工作基本上已经结束了,我们很快就会听到更多关于本届会议最大的项目:新的预算. Otherwise, every bill we see of interest to cities and towns is loaded into our 易于跟踪的账单跟踪器

本周,北卡罗来纳州许多社区的宽带可用性不足仍然是焦点 电视新闻片段 featuring League President and Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara, 一个小企业主, 和许多, has encountered growth obstacles under badly limited connection speeds. Jacksonville "is just one area that has experienced major connection problems,WITN新闻主播莎伦·约翰逊在节目开始前说道,节目中还包括一名海军预备役军人, 杰森飞镖, who struggles to perform his internet-dependent work. "的 whole world is in 2019 and we're back here -- I don't know, 感觉像是1997年," he said of the connection speed at his home. It's also unable to keep up with his son's homework needs, speaking to how essential 宽带 speeds are today. 
“宽带就像电力. 就像水一样. 人人都需要宽带接入,拉扎拉告诉WITN, whose reporting noted that Lazzara (along with League 执行董事 Paul Meyer) 把这种担忧带到了国会 在2月份. 目前的互联网交付市场方式使人口较少地区(甚至少数城市地区)的居民享受不到理想的服务. 的 完整的部分 also emphasized 宽带's importance to common medical and financial needs. “一切都是相连的。. 你不能过正常的生活, 一般来说, in America anymore without being able to get on 宽带,达特说。. Closing the 宽带 gap is a League priority discussed in the 2018 report, "跨越数字鸿沟," which recommends policy solutions. That and other resources are available at 1111145.com/broadband
的 topic also came forward this week in 政府. 罗伊·库珀的 国家现状 address to the legislature and public. He called internet inaccessibility "a monster of an issue facing rural communities." "Too many North Carolinians lack internet connection they need to apply for jobs, 做家庭作业还是做小生意. 在没有宽带的家庭中, about 95 percent are in rural areas -- a digital divide with very real consequences,总督说. 他加入了呼吁公私合作模式的行列,这种模式可以在需要的地方扩展快速服务. 

作为基本基础设施和公共安全服务的主要提供者,吸引就业和维持社区, cities and towns always prioritize and support efforts to boost dollars for these purposes. 本周, 立法者通过提出多项法案来扩大水的资金供应, 废水, 交通运输系统, as well as for public safety equipment. 每一项法案都提到了 各种资助目标 prioritized by the League membership, 市领导对立法提案发起人推动这些措施的意愿表示赞赏. 市政府官员也很欣赏奥巴马州长. 罗伊·库珀大力支持国家在交通和宽带等地方基础设施优先领域的投资, 他在他的 国情咨文 周一.
One of the legislative initiatives introduced this week, SB 158 Expand Eligibility for Utility Account, would extend eligibility to more counties for the Utility Account program, 工作发展的一个组成部分 & Investment Grant (JDIG) economic incentive program. 公用事业账户中的资金作为赠款发放给符合条件的农村地区的地方政府,用于供水和下水道等基础设施项目, 宽带, 和运输. 另一项法案,应联合国要求.C. 运输部, 包括一个新的程序, 当资助, 是否会将州政府资金用于改善大型公共商业机场. 最后一项措施是, HB 159 State 搜索 and Rescue Funding, 建议增加资金,以补充地方政府购买和维护公共安全设备. 

的 League is hosting a webinar April 5 at 10 a.m. 讨论… 最近批准的增加 提高地方政府雇员退休制度的雇主供款率. 报名已开始. 的 LGERS Board approved the increase, 适用于2019- 2020财年, to address a significant system funding shortfall expected in future years. 本次网络研讨会将为司库办公室退休制度部门的工作人员提供一个机会,分享有关这一变化的信息,并回答365足彩下载成员可能提出的任何问题.

N.C. 公用事业委员会本周举行了一场听证会,以了解卡罗来纳杜克能源公司为什么没有遵守委员会的命令,制定一项基于先进计量基础设施(AMI)的创新费率计划 这是国联提出的问题 in the utility’s 2017 rate case when it intervened on behalf of its members. 365足彩下载希望卡罗来纳州杜克能源公司能够提供价格,使市政客户能够通过更好地选择能源使用来节省资金.

U.S. 森. Thom Tillis and colleagues on Tuesday unveiled a biparitsan, $13.60亿年 救灾包 with help for areas still working to recover from Hurricane Florence. President Trump is backing the proposal, according to a 新闻稿. 的 bullet points cite relief for farmers and rural communities hit by Florence and other natural disasters; help for veterans' health facilities and military construction projects that Florence impacted; emergency money for important watershed and 废水 infrastructure; and support for highways and transit projects that natural disasters set back. "As North Carolina continues to recover from Hurricane Florence, 这项两党立法是一个积极的步骤,以确保我们伟大的州获得所需的资源来帮助受风暴影响的社区,蒂利斯参议员说. 
政府. 罗伊·库珀的 office also recently announced new help in the recovery, 专门针对地方政府. 这是通过最近安装的N.C. 恢复和弹性办公室, 为佛罗伦萨之后财政困难的地方政府推出了两项计划. "Grants and loans are available to towns, 城市和县可以继续满足居民的需求,同时从风暴破坏中恢复,州长说 有完整细节的新闻稿. Altogether, more than $7 million has already been approved for individual towns.

哈德逊镇(Town of Hudson)凭借本土艺术和创业的发展,在地区经济发展方面取得了长足进步. 这个故事, which the town's government submitted to 我们在这里成长, 在枢纽站展开, a campus the town prepared to provide supportive, affordable space for area artists and businesspeople to work, 出售, 联系和成长. “我们渴望看到它成长,因为它成为哈德逊社区的重要组成部分,成为考德威尔和周边所有县的目的地,” said Hudson Town Manager Rebecca Bentley. 阅读有关它的所有内容 我们在这里成长, North Carolina's most standout collection of local economic development stories, 由365足彩下载带来的 与WRALTechWire合作
北卡罗来纳州的经济实力植根于其城镇的多样性——这种多样性是允许当地居民追求自己独特愿景的直接结果. 我们鼓励你们加入到促进市政投资的努力中来,这对发展我们州的经济至关重要, and to educate the public about their importance. 没有人比这些故事发生的城镇的人们更了解这些故事了. 帮助传播你所看到的成功——从工厂城镇以新的方式利用旧资源, to big cities whose bright ideas are turning them into innovation hubs. 通过讲述这些故事, 你可以确保城市和乡镇有行动和投资的自由,以对他们的居民最有意义的方式.
加入我们今天的成长. 发送电子邮件至 about@herewegrownc.org to request login credentials, free to League-member cities and towns. 

2019年的N.C. 主街会议, billed as "the state's premier gathering for downtown revitalization and development," is set for March 12-14 in Salisbury. 今年的主题是“时间”. 人才. 钱." and will explore how those elements interact in downtown improvement. 2019年的会议将为与会者提供工具,帮助他们改造市中心地区,同时允许公私合作伙伴关系蓬勃发展, 帮助当地企业发展的方法, and how to develop a comprehensive downtown program,a说。 新闻稿. 这个活动是由N组织的.C. Department of Commerce and its Main Street & 农村规划中心的领导人对今年将它带到索尔兹伯里表示兴奋. Said Main Street Center Director Liz Parham, “Salisbury is the epitome of what a Main Street community is; a strong public-private partnership that develops innovative economic development strategies and initiatives, through the implementation of the Main Street Four-Point Approach." Registration and other information is at ncmainstreetconference.com.​